Opus One



Opus One staff are some of the best in the world. With years of experience in the real world at real jobs, all of them bring not only knowledge of software, systems, and hardware, but the wisdom of having worked in the field.

You cannot be a good programmer unless you've written thousands of lines of code. Similarly, you cannot build a reliable email backbone, a strong security system, or a credible training course without experience. Many consulting companies have bright staff who can talk the talk. Opus One consultants would rather walk the walk.

There is also a fine line between experience and stagnation. Opus One is careful to invest substantial staff hours into training, internal research, and development. All Opus One staff:

  • Regularly publish feature articles in industry trade publications
  • Regularly prepare software and hardware reviews for both clients and publications
  • Take part in the management and operations of Opus One's own data center
  • Attend continuing education courses to build proficiency in new technologies
  • Assist other consultants working on projects in unfamiliar technologies to transfer knowledge and expertise within the organization

These activities ensure that our staff consultants are constantly developing new expertise and new knowledge to complement their existing strengths.

You can meet our full and part-time staff by clicking here.

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1404 East Lind Road, Tucson, AZ 85719 . Phone: 520-324-0494 . Fax: 520-324-0495